Thinkpad T60p + Ubuntu 10.04 LTS + OpenPTS setup memo

  • Environment

PC: IBM Thinkpad T60p
OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid)
Transitive Trust path: BIOS (SRTM) only

  • Build and Install OpenPTS

Install required packages to build OpenPTS.

sudo apt-get install automake autoconf libtool cvs fakeroot debhelper gettext trousers libtspi-dev tpm-tools libxml2 libxml2-dev libuuid1 uuid-dev

Get the latest source code from Git repo.
then build and install.

$ git clone git://
$ cd openpts
$ sh ./
$ make dpkg-buildpackage
$ sudo dpkg -i  ../openpts_0.2.6_i386.deb

note) fix the debian/control

--- a/dist/debian/control
+++ b/dist/debian/control
@@ -13,5 +13,4 @@ Architecture: any
 # Canonical repo
 # Self build
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, trousers, tpm-tools, libxml2, uuid
-Description: An open source TCG Platform Trust Services.
-The package include openpts collector and verifier
+Description: An open source TCG Platform Trust Services. The package include openpts collector and verifier.
  • Modify conf of TSS(TrouSerS)

Modify /etc/tcsd.conf to access the eventlog.

firmware_log_file = /sys/kernel/security/tpm0/binary_bios_measurements
firmware_pcrs = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

restart the tcsd (TSS daemon)

sudo /etc/init.d/trousers restart

Let's try to access your eventlog.

$ iml2test
 Idx PCR       Type    Digest                                EventData
   0   0 0x00000008 1dfce7dde0cf13cfff102b1eb01875f752d5090c [BIOS:EV_S_CRTM_VERSION]
   1   0 0x00000001 1c41801dd329198e50a3d98040230095693e49b3 [BIOS:EV_POST_CODE(EV_CODE_NOCERT)]
   2   0 0x00000001 16fb111792cb98a3de12f3abd0406fc04c7e5fca [BIOS:EV_POST_CODE(EV_CODE_NOCERT)]

You have to see the eventlog like this.

  • Initialize OpenPTS Collector

Please create "ptsc" group.
You must be a member of "ptsc".

groupadd -r ptsc
usermod -a -G ptsc yourname

Edit /etc/ptsc.conf.
"tpm.quote.type" must be "quote" since Ubuntu still uses OpenSSL v0.9.8.
Keep other properties if you just want to validate the BIOS only.


Ok, let's initialise the collector.

$ ptsc -i
Sign key  location: SYSTEM
Generate uuid: abedb6fc-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724 
Generate UUID (for RM): ac0f5618-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724 
level 0 Reference Manifest  : /var/lib/openpts//ac0f5618-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724/rm0.xml

ptsc has successfully initialized!

Do selftest.

$ ptsc -t
selftest - OK

Dump the current configulation.

$ ptsc -D
openpts version 0.2.6

config file: /etc/ptsc.conf
UUID: abedb6fc-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724 (/var/lib/openpts/uuid)
IML access mode             : TSS
  Runtime IML type: unknown type 0x0
RM UUID (current): ac0f5618-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724
RM UUID (for next boot): (null)
List of RM set: 1 RM set in config dir
    ID  UUID  date(UTC)  status
     0 ac0f5618-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724 2012-03-26-05:22:25 NOW
Integrity Report dir: /tmp/.ptsc
Model dir: /usr/share/openpts/models
Behavior Models
  PCR lv  FSM files
   0  0  /usr/share/openpts/models/bios_pcr0.uml
   1  0  /usr/share/openpts/models/bios_pcr1.uml
   2  0  /usr/share/openpts/models/bios_pcr2.uml
   3  0  /usr/share/openpts/models/bios_pcr3.uml
   4  0  /usr/share/openpts/models/bios_pcr4.uml
   5  0  /usr/share/openpts/models/bios_pcr5.uml
   6  0  /usr/share/openpts/models/bios_pcr6.uml
   7  0  /usr/share/openpts/models/bios_pcr7.uml
  • Enrolment by OpenPTS Verifier (on same host)

It uses SSH tunnel between the collector and verifier.
You must setup SSH publickey authentication before the enrolment.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
$ ssh-copy-id yourname@localhost

Enrol with the collector on localhost.

$ openpts -i localhost

Validate the localhost

$ openpts -v localhost
integrity: valid
$ openpts -VV -v localhost
Config file         : /home/yourname/.openpts/openpts.conf
Verbosity           : 2
Logging location    : /home/yourname/.openpts/openpts.log
Logging(debig) mode : 0x0
Target: localhost
Collector UUID: abedb6fc-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724 (date: 2012-03-26-05:22:25)
Manifest UUID: ac0f5618-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724 (date: 2012-03-26-05:22:25)
username(ssh): default
port(ssh): default
policy file: /home/yourname/.openpts/abedb6fc-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724/policy.conf
property file: /home/yourname/.openpts/abedb6fc-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724/
integrity: valid

It validate the integrity report (= eventlog + quote signature).
The validation policy may contains the following properties.

$ cat /home/yourname/.openpts/abedb6fc-7703-11e1-9167-0015582d7724/policy.conf 
# OpenPTS validation policy, name=value
bios.pcr.2.action.0=Start Option ROM Scan
bios.pcr.4.action.0=Calling INT 19h
bios.pcr.4.action.1=Returned INT 19h
bios.pcr.4.action.2=Booting BCV Device 80h
bios.pcr.6.action.0=WAKE EVENT 0
# 22 reference props

Rebuild the GRUB Legacy with GRUB-IMA patch

$ sudo apt-get build-dep grub
$ apt-get source grub
$ pushd grub-0.97/debian/patches/
$ wget
$ popd
$ echo "# This patch supports IMA"              >> grub-0.97/debian/patches/00list
$ echo "grub-0.97-29ubuntu45-ima-" >> grub-0.97/debian/patches/00list
$ mv grub-0.97/debian/rules grub-0.97/debian/rules.orig
$ sed -e 's/--disable-auto-linux-mem-opt/--disable-auto-linux-mem-opt --enable-ima/g' grub-0.97/debian/rules.orig > grub-0.97/debian/rules
$ chmod +x grub-0.97/debian/rules

Update the changelog

$ pushd grub-0.97
$ debchange -i

like this

grub (0.97-29ubuntu60.10.04.2.ima) lucid; urgency=low

  * enable Trusted Boot 

 -- foo <foo@localhost>  Wed, 04 Apr 2012 17:37:27 +0900

Ok, let's build the package.

$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc
$ popd

Install the grub package.

$ sudo dpkg -i grub_0.97-29ubuntu60.10.04.2.ima_i386.deb
$ grep TCG /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/*
Binary file /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage1 matches
Binary file /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2 matches
Binary file /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito matches

Install the grub into the hdd (MBR).

$ sudo grub-install /dev/sda
$ grep TCG /boot/grub/*
Binary file /boot/grub/stage1 matches
Binary file /boot/grub/stage2 matches

Ok, Reboot the system.
note) if reboot was failed somehow, try the cold boot (power off/on).

Then, you will see the measurement of IPL and Kernel in the eventlog.

$ iml2text
 Idx PCR       Type    Digest                                EventData
   0   0 0x00000008 1dfce7dde0cf13cfff102b1eb01875f752d5090c [BIOS:EV_S_CRTM_VERSION]
   1   0 0x00000001 1c41801dd329198e50a3d98040230095693e49b3 [BIOS:EV_POST_CODE(EV_CODE_NOCERT)]
   2   0 0x00000001 16fb111792cb98a3de12f3abd0406fc04c7e5fca [BIOS:EV_POST_CODE(EV_CODE_NOCERT)]
   3   0 0x00000001 dd261ca7511a7daf9e16cb572318e8e5fbd22963 [BIOS:EV_POST_CODE(EV_CODE_NOCERT)]
  75   4 0x00000005 c1e25c3f6b0dc78d57296aa2870ca6f782ccf80f [BIOS:EV_ACTION, Calling INT 19h]
  76   4 0x00000005 38f30a0a967fcf2bfee1e3b2971de540115048c8 [BIOS:EV_ACTION, Returned INT 19h]
  77   4 0x00000005 cfa550a3b0fa6f8be76b8cf2d68be28355e57e2f [BIOS:EV_ACTION, Booting BCV Device 80h]
  78   4 0x0000000d f6121bf2405783ecf1d3f55069ec7e441e41814f [BIOS:EV_IPL]
  79   4 0x0000000d b82f5fa84465edfc054591b059bb65ea54f67282 [GRUB:EV_IPL, Stage1(MBR)]
  80   4 0x0000000d 0532b5f5026eebd2f895a638715e9a826cb2f582 [GRUB:EV_IPL, Stage1.5]
  81   4 0x0000000d 5e2c3964b21587a8a63153f20102266d21399d4e [GRUB:EV_IPL, Stage1.5(filesystem)]
  82   4 0x00000006 1e0d747ef539e49a21f1789d12e51254a54edfb8 [GRUB: measure MBR again]
  83   4 0x00000004 8cdc27ec545eda33fbba1e8b8dae4da5c7206972 [GRUB:EV_SEPARATOR, Grub Event Separator]
  84   5 0x00000004 d9be6524a5f5047db5866813acf3277892a7a30a [BIOS:EV_SEPARATOR, ffffffff]
  85   5 0x0000000e 14bd957419a432ca8af4ff13454f9fd291f99cd8 [BIOS:EV_IPL_PARTITION_DATA]
  86   5 0x00000004 8cdc27ec545eda33fbba1e8b8dae4da5c7206972 [GRUB:EV_SEPARATOR, Grub Event Separator]
  87   5 0x0000000e 9052fb5133bba4a168c52ac9b57a7513ff1d5bbb [GRUB:grub.conf]
  88   5 0x00001105 c8a879e81a96dafb7ab1178fcfe9415dc4199503 [GRUB:KERNEL_OPT /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-40-generic root=UUID=0217aa6d-4f1d-457d-bbc8-b03436cf4cf8 ro quiet splash  crashkernel=384M-2G:64M,2G-:128M]
  89   5 0x00000004 2431ed60130faeaf3a045f21963f71cacd46a029 [GRUB:EV_SEPARATOR, OS Event Separator]
  90   6 0x00000005 017263855c5e8b20f2896a3135b8e4652ab1e708 [BIOS:EV_ACTION, WAKE EVENT 0]
  91   6 0x00000004 d9be6524a5f5047db5866813acf3277892a7a30a [BIOS:EV_SEPARATOR, ffffffff]
  92   7 0x00000004 d9be6524a5f5047db5866813acf3277892a7a30a [BIOS:EV_SEPARATOR, ffffffff]
  93   8 0x00001205 fdaf029bb82181779feb3abc786a79d1bfc37a9d [GRUB:KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-40-generic]
  94   8 0x00001305 9e55814c35b6f86f7ccf606999fc0418fdb424fb [GRUB:INITRD /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-40-generic]
  95   8 0x00000004 2431ed60130faeaf3a045f21963f71cacd46a029 [GRUB:EV_SEPARATOR, OS Event Separator]
  96   8 0x00001005 fac33a1fc0ad42c07d00322d64c23f67567f334a [GRUB:ACTION, Booting Big Linux Kenrel]

If you have configure the PTS collector before. the selftest must fail.

$ ptsc -t
    0 [PCR01] Snapshot(FSM) is missing
    1 [PCR01] Snapshot(FSM) is missing
    2 [PCR01] Snapshot(FSM) is missing
    3 [PCR01] Snapshot(FSM) is missing
    4 [PCR01] Snapshot(FSM) is missing
    5 [PCR01] Snapshot(FSM) is missing
    6 [PCR01] Snapshot(FSM) is missing
    7 [PCR01] Snapshot(FSM) is missing
    8 [SELFTEST] The self test failed
selftest - fail

Update the PTS Collector.

Edit /etc/ptsc.conf.

# rm.num=1 => 2
# add a validation model for GRUB-IMA

Update the manifest.

$ ptsc -u
Generate UUID (for RM): 9e9d3404-7e39-11e1-8c88-0015582d7724 
level 0 Reference Manifest: /var/lib/openpts//9e9d3404-7e39-11e1-8c88-0015582d7724/rm0.xml
level 1 Reference Manifest: /var/lib/openpts//9e9d3404-7e39-11e1-8c88-0015582d7724/rm1.xml

Selftest again.

$ ptsc -t
selftest - OK

Also update the verifier (enrolment again).

$ openpts -i -f localhost
$ openpts localhost
integrity: valid
  • OS Update